auth codes
Comm One Call Accounting has the ability to track your phone system authorization codes. Authorization Codes, or Auth Codes, are codes used when you make a phone call that associate that call with the corresponding code. Some phone systems call them Account Codes. These codes can be forced, meaning that a code must be used in order to make a call, or un-forced meaning that the phone user can decide whether or not to enter a code for each call. To use these reports, your phone system needs to be enabled with the Authorization Code or Account Code feature.
FAQ-1519 Authorization Code Ranking Report
Comm One Call Accounting Software
Technical Support
PO Box 759 | 1390 E Meadow Valley Dr
Draper, UT 84020
(800) 771-9182
REPORT INDEX - Authorization Code Reports
Posted: 02/02/2017
Updated: 06/07/2020
Author: Comm One Technical Support