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Batch File Rights


Run Scheduler Task with Login as Batch File Rights

Comm One Call Accounting Software runs the call processing and the report automation scripts using the Windows Task Manager.  The default task that is run is named c:\ca2018\stopca.bat.


In order for that task to run attended at night, normally 11 pm, the task in the scheduler needs sufficient rights to run the task.  On most Windows Systems you can just set the task to run under the SYSTEM account and it runs just fine.  However, on some users computers, there are windows security rules that do not allow batch files to run from the scheduler.  In order to resolve that problem, you need to use or set up a local administrator user account and give that account the right to log in and run a batch file.  Here is how you do that:


WARNING:  If you are unfamiliar with your local security policies, or if your company prohibits end users from modifying these settings, then you should seek assistance from your IT Support Group so that you don't make changes that violate internal policies or cause problems with your computer.


  1. Go to the Start menu

  2. Run

  3. Type secpol.msc and press Enter

  4. The Local Security Policy manager opens

  5. Go to Security Settings – Local Policies – User Rights Assignment node

  6. Double click Log on as a batch job on the right side

  7. Click Add User or Group…

  8. Select the user and click OK

Comm One Call Accounting Software

Technical Support

PO Box 759 | 1390 E Meadow Valley Dr

Draper, UT  84020

(800) 771-9182

FAQ-1686 Run Windows Scheduler with Batch File Rights

Posted: 02/02/2017

Updated: 02/13/2021

Author: Comm One Technical Support

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