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Avaya IP Office

FAQ-1683 How to Enable / Disable SMDR on Avaya IP Office 


There is a single OUTPUT setting under SYSTEM/SMDR that enables and disables the SMDR on Avaya Ip Office.  There are other settings you need to make for Call Accounting to work (SEE FAQ-1311), but switching the OUTPUT tag will turn SMDR on or off as needed.



There are basically four (4) setting changes you need to make in your Avaya IP Office in order to set up SMDR over an IP Connection.


  1. Start the IP Office Manager and go to the SYSTEM Menu

  2. On the right side of the SYSTEM menu select SMDR

  3. OUTPUT: Set to SMDR Only or turn it OFF to enable or disable Call Accounting

  4. Then Save and MERGE your settings

Avaya IP Office SMDR Configuration Screen

Comm One Call Accounting Software

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FAQ-1683 Avaya IP Office - Enable / Disable Call SMDR

Posted: 02/02/2017

Updated: 06/03/2020

Author: Comm One Technical Support

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